For people who want to help.If you are not part of your workplace leadership and want to help but aren't sure how, this page is for you. We list real things you can do to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, including how you can support a coworker who tells you they are being harassed.
Ways You Can HelpMany people want to help change their workplace culture and/or support someone who is being sexually harassed but just aren't sure what to do. At the link, we provide real, actionable ways to respond to sexual harassment and what you can do to prevent it.
Take the Pledge + ShareWe pledge to create safe, respectful, and inclusive workplaces in Maine through specific, doable and sustainable action steps that will help change our culture. Join us in our pledge to make sure each Mainer works in a safe and respectful environment - and knows about their rights as an employee.
Bring Training to Your WorkplaceIf you're not sure that your workplace training for sexual harassment is meeting you and your coworkers' needs, you can find suggest to your supervisor or leadership team that an in-person training done by qualified professionals is what you need. Click the button below to find information about where you can find good in-person sexual harassment training - and screening questions to ask potential trainers - so that you and your coworkers' know the law and how to change workplace culture.
Know Resources for VictimsMaine's sexual assault support centers support victims of harassment and assault. They are your community's go-to free resource for victims and those who want to help them. You can call, text, or chat with an advocate to talk through what you can do to help. You can also give their contact information to someone you know who is being harassed and encourage them to call. Click the button to find out how advocates can help and how you and others can contact them.